7 thoughts on “Update

  1. I don’t mean to be rude, but why do these comics take so long to make? I know I’m not the one in your shoes and that it takes time to come up with a good idea for a joke, but you only seem to be posting on holidays now. For April Fools’, Pi Day, and Leap Day. Sorry if you don’t like my complaints, but I just really like your work. Also, yeah, I realize that the April Fools’ Day one was really long and took a lot of effort. Thanks for listening!


    1. College and other opportunities are keeping me busy. At the end of the day, this is just something I do for fun, and I don’t hold myself to do it. Comics don’t take long to make, but I only make them when I’m excited about an idea. As time has gone on, there have been fewer new ideas that I find exciting enough to turn into a comic. Hopefully when I have more time over the summer, I can get back into a rhythm.


      1. Not the OP but that’s totally understandable and a valid reason not to post as often. I personally enjoy them just as much even if they’re less frequent. 🙂


  2. The sophisticated human smoke detector is pure awesomeness. “Oh my, beep beep beep, shaken but not stirred, indeed, old chap.”


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